Thursday, 27 June 2013







[ ana shell, nrglab sh-box, nrglab asia, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab singapore, nrglab сингапур, NRGLab的公司, mike burd, nrglab ]

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Yen drops in value: are you tired of the fluctuating stock market? We are.

In the United States, the yen dropped to its lowest value in over four years, prompting a wave of brokers to unload their shares in gold and oil. By day’s end, however, the market recovered and both the S&P 500 the Dow Jones closed out at record highs. So why the massive hit to the yen?
Japanese investment firms have been gobbling up assets overseas, so the yen’s slide had more of an impact across global markets than it may have had in the past, economists claim.

The U.S. dollar, on the other hand, has remained sturdy due to the country’s recent rise in employment. That consistency puts pressure on firms invested in other currencies, who may no longer be able to afford the cost of U.S. goods and services.

"Despite signs of slower U.S. growth here in the second quarter, the U.S. labor market continues to improve,” says Marc Chandler, head of global currency strategy for Brown Brothers Harriman, a financial institution that consult with individuals and businesses on investment opportunities. “Japanese investors were already selling the yen on expectations that [others] would sell as the Bank of Japan's stimulus measures displaced them from the local bond market.”

According to the Ministry of Finance, Japanese firms invested $3.1 billion, or 309.9 billion yen, in overseas bonds the week leading up to May 3rd.

The Japanese currency fell to 101.98 yen per dollar, the lowest since 2008, and with the passing of the 100 benchmark, economists expect the yen to fall further. Some are predicting the dollar to rise to 105 yen this summer, and peak as high as 110 by the end of the fiscal year.

As the U.S. undergoes rapid employment expansion, foreign money is expected to come pouring in. On Friday, the S&P 500 closed up 7.03 points, to 1,633.70, while the Dow Jones rose 35.87 points, to 15,118.49 – both record highs.

Wow – up, down, up down. To call the stock market ‘unpredictable’ would be an understatement.
That’s why we at NRGLab believe investing in green-energy is the smartest financial decision you can make. Over time, the price of commodities like oil, gas, and gold will fluctuate more than a theme park roller coaster. Economists can’t even accurately predicate where price points will be next month, let alone ten years from now.

One thing is for certain, though – there will always be a demand for electricity. People will always need to heat their homes, cook their food, and get from point A to point B. Investing in a long-lasting, reliable electrical generator like the SH-Box means investing in energy independence. No longer will you be forced to serve under your public utility supplier. NRGLab wants to give you the freedom of choice.

Not only that, the SH-Box is zero-emission, so you won’t be contributing to the escalating climate crisis. In fact, you’ll be ahead of the pack. You’ll be set for the long haul.

So forget traditional means of investment. An alternative opportunity and stable future await you at

[ ana shell, ana shell. nrglab sh-box, nrglab asia, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab, nrglab ana shell, stock market ]

Friday, 21 June 2013

So smoggy in Singapore: air pollution hits decade high

Forest fires originating from Indonesia's Sumatra Island has laid a blanket of smog over Singapore, sending most citizens scampering to buy protective masks and inhalers.

Singapore's air quality has teetered on "unhealthy" classification for some time now, but with the recent smog, air pollution has swollen to its highest levels in over a decade. A reading of 155 on the Pollutant Standards Index was taken Monday, while readings general fall between 104 and 123. (101 in considered “unhealthy,” if you were wondering.)

The smog is a reoccurring problem, beginning around midyear when Indonesian farmers clear brush by lighting fires. It’s begun to strain diplomatic relations. The Singaporean government is fed up with Indonesia’s inability to enact political sanctions on farmers caught illegally maintaining their fields.

The dry summer months have added to the problem, sparking spontaneous fires on a semi-regular basis. Firefighters are working over-time, in extreme conditions – and making little progress.
So far, neighboring countries like Malaysia have only been slightly affected. Pollution levels have yet to exceed the “unhealthy” limit. (But it’s only a matter of time…)

Sumarto Suharno, spokesperson for Indonesia’s Forest Ministry, claims the government is striving to educate farmers about agricultural alternatives to traditional ‘slash-and-burn’ techniques. “We have been able to reduce the regional haze problem significantly for years with help from local communities and will continue to undertake all efforts to prevent it from spreading," he said.

But will it be enough?
How many children will be diagnosed with chronic asthma before we get serious about the poisons we’re pumping into the atmosphere?

Pollution isn’t a regional issue. It can’t be tackled by any one government. Winds disperse carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases evenly throughout the atmosphere. It’s going to take cooperation. It’s going to take years of study, expert debate, and a willingness to work towards a unified goal: an end to global warming!

Thursday, 20 June 2013



在下周的拍卖会上,以及将在今年516日、816日和1119日举办的拍卖会上,5 680万份许可证有待拍卖。那可是5 680万吨二氧化碳,它们将被合法地排放到我们的大气中!而加州仅仅是实施此项计划的第一个州。其他州在采纳该项立法之前,都在期待着排放限额与交易计划的交易情况。也就是说,潜在有49个州将向空气中排放另外5 000万吨温室气体。我甚至都不在乎对此进行的计算了。(因为那太让人沮丧)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

New York green energy independent with the help of NRGLab?

A study recently published in the online journal Energy Policy claims that the state of New York – home to the city that never sleeps – could run completely on clean electricity by mid-century. Is this for real?

Thirteen environmental experts collaborated on the study, which analyzed the economic and engineering practicality of meeting the state's energy demands entirely with renewable sources. They agreed that transitioning towards green energy would not only increase overall efficiency, it would decrease consumptions rates and level energy price points.

Oh, yeah – and it’s the environmentally responsible thing to do! The level of carbon in our atmosphere has exceeded 400 parts per million for the first time in human history. More cases of asthma are being reported than ever before. Our water wells are being tainted by acid rainfall. Where does it end? With our extinction, like the dinosaurs?

Mark Z. Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University and one of the authors on the study, spent over two years hammering out the details, which proposed wind, solar, hydroelectric and geothermal energy as preferable alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear power. Biofuels would be used as a temporary power source during the transition, and then eventually phased out.

“Look at South Dakota,” says Jacobson. “In 2011, 22% of all their electricity was produced from wind power. Can you believe that? If you look at where they started from, maybe five years before that, it was ZERO. Suddenly it’s 22.3%. That's even more than Denmark! And the price of electricity in South Dakota went up only 2 cents per kWh from 2003 to 2011, whereas the average in the U.S. went up 3.6 cents per kWh. So it wasn't more expensive, that's for sure.”

3.6 cents per kWh?? NRGLab can do much, much better! With the SH-Box, a light-weight generator that produces electricity from geothermal heat, you could be paying as little as 3 cents per kWh TOTAL. Sure, that might not sound like a huge difference at first, but when you run your television, refrigerator, and computer all throughout the day – IT ADDS UP TO SAVINGS!

So do the right thing, and make the switch to an all-natural source of renewable energy. Visit for more information on the SH-Box and our various other green energy projects.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What’s all the fuss about the SH-Box?

It seems as if a new alternative energy project pops up every other day now. Microorganisms that degrade waste. Wave-harnessing tech. Starch-powered cars. Cheaper solar panels. There are varying opinions on which renewable source offers us the best chance at a carbon-free future. That’s why we developed the SH-Box – to stand out from the rest.

By now, I’m sure you’re already aware of some of the shortcomings of today’s current energy alternatives. Solar panels, which rely on photovoltaic cells, are only viable during the day. Wind turbines simply don’t produce enough electricity. Nuclear power plants can be just down-right dangerous. But with the SH-Box, you can throw all of these worries away.

NRGLab has developed all-natural, poly-crystalline technology capable of generating electricity for as little as $0.03 per kW. With the zero-emission SH-Box, you can cut ties with that expensive public provider. No need to go through an elaborate instillation process either. The SH-Box can be integrated into absolutely any energy grid operational today. Sick and tired of changing batteries in everything? Well, you won’t have to change a thing with the SH-Box. Each one has a lifespan of up to a decade! Talk about reliable…

Don’t get caught up in the flurry of new investment opportunities out there. Do your research, and you’ll find that the SH-Box by NRGLab is the most cost-effective, eco-friendly, and innovative option on the market.
NRGLab wants tomorrow to be greener than today. From Paris, France all the way to Singapore – we’re affording people the chance to experience energy independence, while helping make the planet a better place.

I know you want to know more. For more info on the SH-Box or any number of green energy projects being developed by NRGLab, just visit the website See for yourself what all the fuss is about!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Sebal untuk mengatakan saya bilang juga apa - harga BBM melonjak seperempatnya

Harga BBM telah melonjak seperempatnya, dan ini baru permulaan saja. Menurut sebuah survei kelompok Lundberg yang dilakukan pada hari Jumat, harga rata-rata bensin per galon berada di angka $ 3,59. Angka ini naik dua puluh lima sen dari survei serupa yang diambil dua minggu sebelumnya.
Penerbit Trilby Lundberg mengatakan pekan ini, "Harga tersebut telah terpuruk pada akhir Desember. Kenaikan harga grosir bensin sudah terjadi dan meningkat cepat dalam dua minggu ini. Para pengecer merasa terjepit. "

Yacht show, Singapore 

Fluktuasi harga BBM di AS baru-baru ini  tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan pasar internasional. Harga minyak mentah telah meroket di luar negeri karena perbaikan pipa dan permintaan musim semi mendatang. Harga tertinggi untuk bensin tercatat di Los Angeles, di mana pengemudi membayar $ 4,10 per galon BBM reguler.
Jadi, pada dasarnya - tidak ada tempat untuk bersembunyi. (Kecuali Anda bersedia untuk pindah ke Billings, Montana, di mana harga BBM naik turun sekitar $ 3,00). Kondisi infrastruktur energi Amerika, sayangnya merupakan salah satu mata rantai terlemah dalam rantai ekonomi global. Diperkirakan bahwa AS memerlukan waktu hingga tahun 2025 untuk memperbarui jaringan listrik mereka hingga sama dengan kemampuan fungsional jaringan pintar (smart grid) milik Jerman. Sudah saatnya AS untuk menyadari dan bergabung dengan seluruh dunia dalam mengalokasikan kembali sumber daya untuk mengembangkan alternatif energi yang efisien. Sudah waktunya untuk mengesampingkan politik, fokus pada kerjasama, dan bekerja menuju masa depan. Bukan hanya berpikir lima, sepuluh, lima belas tahun ke depan, atau menuju pemilu berikutnya. Tapi lima puluh. Seratus tahun ke depan. Mengantisipasi masalah. Menciptakan solusi. Kita perlu mempertimbangkan dunia seperti apa yang kita ingin tinggalkan untuk generasi berikutnya. Apakah kita ingin menghambat mereka dengan kebijakan energi kita? Ataukah kita ingin mereka berpikir, "Orangtua kami telah membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, kami juga bisa. "
Bayangkan jika komunitas Anda dialiri listrik dari salah satu SH-box-nya NRGLab, dan Anda mempunyai mobil listrik, atau mobil hibrida plug-in.  Rata-rata model-model terbaru memerlukan sekitar dua sen per mil untuk mengisi ulang. Anda bisa menyambungkan mobil Anda di malam hari dan menghabiskan kurang dari satu dolar untuk satu tangki penuh. Tentu saja, tagihan listrik Anda mungkin akan naik $ 30 per bulan, tetapi tidak ada lagi pengeluaran untuk bensin. Hal ini sudah diprediksi bahwa pengeluaran rata-rata BBM rumah tangga bisa menurun sebanyak 100%. 100%! Tidak ada lagi menunggu dalam antrean di SPBU. (Begitu juga, tidak perlu lagi keluar di hari yang dingin dan harus memompa bensin sendiri.) Kita akan mengurangi polusi. Menyelamatkan peternakan dari mengorbankan tanah mereka untuk operasi h Bagaimana dengan Anda? Seberapa tinggikah harga BBM harus naik sebelum kita mengatakan, 'cukup sudah'?idrolik.
Peluang terbentang sejauh niat kita.
Dunia seperti itu sudah sangat dekat. Yang dibutuhkan hanyalah mengambil satu langkah ke arah yang benar. NRGLab siap untuk mengambil langkah itu. Bagaimana dengan Anda? Seberapa tinggikah harga BBM harus naik sebelum kita mengatakan, 'cukup sudah'?

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 12 Februari,


Sunday, 16 June 2013

New energy bill introduced to inept U.S. congress: how will they vote?

Nowadays, it seems nearly impossible for the split American congress to pass any legislation whatsoever, let alone energy reform. However, Senators Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire (D) and Rob Portman from Ohio (R) aren’t deterred. They believe that by maximizing energy efficiency, not only will green technology help solve global warming, it will stimulate job creation, too. Regardless of political party, everyone can agree: more jobs are good.

This week, Shaheen and Portman are reintroducing their Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act (ESICA) to congress, a bi-partisan bill which has already been endorsed by more than 200 businesses, trade associations, and advocacy groups. ESICA promotes the usage of green technology in order to save consumers money, reduce overall carbon emissions, and sever America’s dependency on foreign oil.
Superior green technologies like the SH-Box by NRGLab are close to being, if not already, available on the mass market. An SH-Box in every town, in every country will, for the first time, democratize energy. We’re not talking decades from now, either. The SH-Box is almost here. It can be quickly introduced into any current power grid, allowing consumers to see immediate savings, or even profits!
ESICA also calls for the U.S. to:

1.      Make new homes and commercial structures more energy efficient by enacting stricter building codes.

2.      Create a “Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Financing Initiative” to boost private investment in green energy renovations.

3.      Train the young labor force in energy-efficient construction strategies.

4.      Encourage the Department of Energy (DOE) to research, develop and commercialize innovative new technology by processing more industrial patent applications.

5.      Entice manufacturers to use more energy efficient motors and transformers in their factories.

6.      Establish a program within the DOE – SupplySTAR – to maximize the efficiency of corporate supply chains.
7.      Adopt energy saving techniques for all federally-owned computers.

8.      Install a nation-wide infrastructure of electric vehicle charging stations.

“Energy efficient buildings must be a cornerstone of national energy policy as the building sector remains the nation’s single largest energy consumer,” said a representative of Owens Corning, an insulation manufacturer and one of many companies that stand to gain (financially speaking) from the bill’s passing. “We’re keenly aware of the energy savings, environmental improvements, and job creation opportunities derived from strong energy efficient buildings, policies and practices.”

Although Shaheen and Portman have spent months winning endorsements for their bill from such elite organizations as the Union of Concerned Scientists and the U.S Chamber of Commerce, in congress, nothing is a sure thing.

Mike Burd

Thursday, 13 June 2013


发布人伦德伯格(Trilby Lundberg )本周说:“它(价格)在十二月下旬已经触底。汽油批发价格已经开始上涨,近两周以来,上涨速度加快。对此,零售商们倍感压力。”

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